IPEC 2018 Fall Institute Posters
Paula Weistroffer, Mary Berg, Joel Berg University of Iowa, College of Medicine and College of Dentistry
Description This poster discusses the assessment of a 2.5 hour session of interprofessional teams of varied health professional students interacting with each other and a standardized patient actor, using the Interprofessional Collaborative Compentencies Assessment Survey (ICAAS) to show an improvement in attitudes and skills after the interactive session.
Denise G. Bender, Christi M. Barbee, Melody J. Yozzo, Raina Leckie, Margaret Robinson OUHSC Interdisciplinary Programs, College of Medicine, College of Allied Health, and School of Social Work
Description Beginning in 2013 with a small group of faculty volunteers, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) began to move toward a comprehensive, campus-wide program that would provide planned experiences based on the IPEC core competencies for all students as part of their professional programs. In 2016, the OUHSC Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development joined this small group and provided assigned staff to assist with program coordination and development. By 2017, the small volunteer group had grown to a core faculty of 21 and met for a retreat to develop a strategic plan for a two year curriculum. To facilitate this change, the core faculty created the Interprofessional Educators & Practitioners Association (IEPA) and subdivided into three permanent working committees: Faculty Development, Curriculum, and Research. In 2018, a fourth joint committee was added to assist with student engagement: Student-Faculty.
Jennifer Tripken and Diana Venskus Marymount University
Description This poster describes a unique model for delivering interprofessional education that features a short-term global study abroad trip as the backdrop for students learning from, with, and about each other. We developed a graduate course titled “Mental Health and the Physical and Built Environment: Experiencing Iceland” that was offered in Summer 2018. Students from three different graduate programs, Counseling, Interior Design, and Health Education and Promotion, enrolled in this course. The purpose of this interprofessional course was to examine the determinants of health considering how the physical and built environments, directly and indirectly, influence physical and mental health and well-being. This course included an eight-day trip to Iceland where students engaged in an array of meetings with experts and experiences, such as hiking a volcano and swimming in geothermal pools designed to contrast environments and stimulate discussion of their effects on health Lessons learned and challenges to consider: Preparing students for the IPE experience: Should an introductory course be required to “prep” students for learning with different disciplines? What IPE preparation is necessary for faculty?: What preparation should faculty have with regards to teaching an IPE based course and assessing students in an interprofessional manner? Responding to challenging students: What happens when students ask “Do I really have to attend this session - It has nothing to do with my profession?” How do we introduce and reinforce the value of IPE to the resistant student? How do we reconcile students’ lack of insight about the value of the IPE experience Lack of administrative support on both the front end and back end. Sustainability: Can IPE really apply and/or fit across disciplines? Assessment challenges: The challenging students and challenges from students.
Jennifer L. Brame, Emma Gibbings, Vicki Kowlowitz, Nancy M. McKenna, Jane A. Weintraub UNC Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry
Description A new educational initiative was developed to learn about the audiology profession, collaboration with audiologists, hearing assessments, hearing health, noise-induced hearing loss and protection, and communicating with patients with hearing loss. Senior DH and all DH graduate education (DHE) students were invited to receive hearing screenings provided by supervised audiology students. Subsequently, a didactic session was presented to DH/DHE students by an audiology doctoral student. Surveys about the screening and education session were completed by the students. Descriptive statistics were used along with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to evaluate changes. Thirty-five (32 DH students and 3 DHE students) completed the survey for response rates of 94% (DH) and 50% (DHE). Almost all students agreed that the experience was well-organized, valuable, contained important information for dental practice, and increased their understanding of importance of collaborating with other health professions and comfort level when collaborating with audiologists. Almost all recommended that this experience be included in future curriculum. Students reported significant change (all p < 0.05, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) in their knowledge of hearing assessments, noise induced hearing loss and communication with patients with hearing loss.
Dawn Roberts, Elizabeth R. McAnulty, Ellen Rainville Springfield College and Western New England University
Description We designed clinically based IPE that would have relevance and meaning if it were simply taught to OT or PT students. However, we found that student learning was enhanced when IPE was taught to and experienced by OT and PT students working together. The collaborative interprofessional education experiences first modeled IPE, then allow students to participate in interprofessional activities, then allowed students to reflect on IPE. Data was gathered through analysis of reflective writing, focus groups, student course evaluations, and faculty feedback.
Carol A. Morreale and Melissa R Stephen American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Description Research has determined maltreatment and other negative childhood experiences can lead to lifelong adverse outcomes in physical and mental health. Sources report that South Mississippi, where William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine (WCUCOM) is located, has the highest abuse rates in the state. CAST focuses on developing understanding of various factors that lead to child maltreatment and existing responses to incidents of child maltreatment, so professionals work more effectively within systems and institutions that respond to these incidents. Students are taught multidisciplinary approaches to child maltreatment and develop an understanding of the most effective responses. CAST has been implemented in many colleges and universities, but to date in only one allopathic medical school. WCUCOM has created a 4 –week elective rotation using an abbreviated CAST curriculum designed to meet educational needs of medical students. The course was designed to enhance student understanding of child advocacy and maltreatment and its consequences, as well as to allow interaction of multidisciplinary responses to child maltreatment by a variety of professional agencies. Pre- and post-education surveys and simulation will measure students change in knowledge and ability to recognize child maltreatment. By utilizing this curriculum, we hope trained medical students will become competent physicians that will utilize multidisciplinary programs to prevent and/or respond to child maltreatment when recognized, as well as address the long-term consequences of child maltreatment experienced by adolescent and adult survivors.
Kimberly A. Sanders, Christine L. Downey, Jennifer B. Harmon, Shannon H. Mitchell, Heidi N. Anksorus University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - School fo Dentistry and Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Description Promoting collaboration of future dental and pharmacy professionals has the potential to positively impact patient care. This study evaluated interprofessional education outcomes within implementation of a pharmacotherapy consult service involving doctor of dental surgery (DDS), dental hygiene (DH), and doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) students in dental school-based clinics. The pharmacotherapy consultation process was created for third year DDS and second year DH students to request medication-related consults for clinic patients throughout an academic year. Consult services were conducted by pharmacists and second year PharmD students which included reviewing patient medication histories and profiles, providing medication and disease state education, and answering medication-related inquiries. Pre-post experience surveys were conducted assessing DDS, DH, and PharmD students’ knowledge of each discipline’s scope of practice using confidence scale statements, interprofessional communication perceptions, and program evaluation. Assessment of student clinical experience was evaluated through self-reflection, focus groups, and consult tracking technology. Dental school clinic settings provide a rich opportunity for interprofessional.
Gina M. Baugh, Gretchen Garofoli, Amy K. Burt, Kimeran Evans, Amy Summers, Amy Rodgers Smith, Leslie Graebe West Virginia University
Description OBJECTIVES: (1) To describe an innovative interprofessional education community outreach initiative (2) To assess student attitudes toward interprofessional education through course evaluation METHODS: Student pharmacists collaborated with Audiology, Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech & Language Pathology students to offer a Healthy Aging Fair to three rural communities. Interprofessional student teams were charged with developing and implementing twelve interactive stations involving health education, screenings, and immunizations. A 360-degree assessment of the project was completed with data from students, faculty and community participants. RESULTS Thirty-one student pharmacists completed the course evaluation survey that included questions from the IPEC Competency Survey, assessing their competency in two domains: roles and responsibilities (3 questions) and interprofessional communications (4 questions). Students responses were overwhelming positive, with 97-100% marking agree or strongly agree to the roles and responsibilities questions, and 100% marking agree or strongly agree in the communications domain. According to exit survey results, the health fair was rated excellent by 86.4% of the community participants. Verbal feedback to faculty facilitators from students and participants was positive and confirmed project success. Faculty debriefing sessions were held after each event leading to continuous quality improvements.
Debin Warren, Katharine Ciarrocca, JoAn Williams, Jennie Brame University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry
Description Nurses and dental hygienists(DH) are often first line health care professionals managing patients’ acute needs. There is a paucity of education regarding oral ramifications of cancer therapy in both nursing and DH curriculums. Interprofessional learning environments can enhance knowledge, confidence, and willingness to provide care and referral for patients undergoing cancer therapy to improve outcomes. This pilot project demonstrates the benefit of team-based learning.
Kurt Gilliland, Ricardo Padilla, Rocio Quinonez, Vicki Kowlowitz, Lewis Lampiris, Katharine Ciarrocca University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry and School of Medicine
Description North Carolina fails to meet the oral health needs for the majority of its population, ranking 37th in the USA in dentist to population ratios and 70 of 100 counties having a shortage of dental health professionals. By integrating oral health into the medical curriculum, these disparities can be decreased.The Schools of Dentistry and Medicine successfully integrated oral health education into the medical school curriculum through and interprofessional, peer teaching activity where medical students were taught how to perform a head and neck exam.
Moshtagh R. Farokhi, Jenna Bednarz, Alvin Estacio, Ruth Grubesic, Browning Wayman, Emily Gallagher, Aliaksandr Dolbik University of Texas Health San Antonio School, Dentistry, School of Nursing, and School of Medicine; University of Texas Health San Antonio, South Texas, Program Administration and School of Dentistry
Description Background: San Antonio Refugee Health Clinic (SARHC) is a faculty-student collaborative clinic managed by an interprofessional education (IPE) team of dental, medical and nursing students/faculty from UT Health San Antonio (UTHSA). By serving the local refugee patients, IPE students gain collaborative practice skill sets. Research suggests that students exposed to interprofessional practices during training tend to work more respectfully during post graduation practice. The purpose of this research effort was to gauge SARHC IPE student engagement. Previous SARHC quality assessments highlighted the need to investigate student views of interprofessional collaborative teamwork. We hypothesized that UTHSA students with exposure to IPE will experience a higher satisfaction rate due to their teamwork at SARHC. Methods: Baseline existing knowledge and attitudes of the interprofessional students attending SARHC were attained via the validated, Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Attainment or ICCAS survey tool. ICCAS was used for pre- and post clinic experience questionnaires. After informed consent, the pre questionnaire assessed existing student attitudes regarding communication, collaboration, roles and responsibilities, collaborative patient-centered approach, and conflict management. Prior to this IPE exposure, students took the ICCAS questionnaire via a link sent to their smartphones by downloading the QR Code. The post ICCAS questionnaire was administered via email following students’ IPE exposure at SARHC. The data design, collection and management were formatted in Qualtrics. A Sign test in SPSS was utilized to analyze the data. Results: 8 medical, 8 nursing and 11 dental students participated (n = 27). Student satisfaction regarding interprofessional collaborative training for mean category scores increased from pre to post surveys and for each category. Communication (p<0.031, roles and responsibilities (p<0.041 and conflict management/resolution (p<0.035) categories were the most significant. When stratifying by groups (nursing, dental, medical), nursing students exhibited the most change from pre to post surveys, most notably in the collaboration category (p<0.031), and reported a first time IPE exposure for this clinic. The medical and dental students had previous IPE encounters. Conclusion: Results indicated that SARHC benefits students by enabling communication, roles/responsibilities and conflict management/resolution, which IPE fosters. The difference between pre and post data was significant, implying that the intervention in the form of SARHC IPE played a role in the difference. The results enable SARHC to enhance IPE pedagogy of training and practices for this collaborative setting. These students gained competency as members of interprofessional teams and upon dissemination of this report are highly encouraged to practice this approach in their future workplaces. Reference: Brandt, Leo. “Personal Professional Identity Formation through Interprofessional Learning and Early Patient Encounter during Preclinical Years.” Korean Journal of Medical Education 29.3 (2017): 203–205. PMC. Web. 10 Oct. 2017.
Mary Ann Kluge, Lynn Phillips, Sara H. Qualls, Amy L. Silva-Smith International Society of Aging and Physical Activity (ISAPA), College of Sports Medicine and American Psychological Association
Description Our project aimed to introduce new partners to IPE concepts and, engage them in interprofessional skill building. Health Promotion, Exercise Science, Nutrition, GeroPsychology and Nurse practitioner students participated. An introductory (online) course, 4 case workshops, and 2 Simulation sessions, were created, launched and evaluated AY 2017-18. Case content focused on aging, chronic disease management, and lifestyle change; a focus motivated by the challenge of the aging populations’ increased longevity and chronic disease burden. Rather than having an acute care focus, team work focused on prioritizing and planning for non-acute care. Formative and summative evaluation resulted in many lessons learned. Participants’ knowledge of their own & one another’s scopes of practice increased and, a culture of mutual respect and cooperation was created. However, confidence in challenging one another’s viewpoints on treatment recommendations and program planning was more difficult to generate. IPE competencies are best achieved using an incremental approach. Recommendations include: 1. Scaffold knowledge and skills throughout program components. 2. More interdisciplinary coursework early-on and content knowledge specific to the target population are also needed to increase confidence in interdisciplinary teamwork.
Lark A. Ford, M. Norma Partida, Anthony Infante American Nurses Association, American Dental Education Association, American Medical Association
Description Health professions students have limited exposure to each other during education and training, yet there are many expectations for interaction in the workplace as part of functioning healthcare teams. We reasoned that providing students an opportunity to work together in a service-learning project under faculty supervision would enhance student knowledge and appreciation of each other’s disciplines and give them a better understanding of working together. Teams of students from four disciplines (medicine, nursing, dentistry, dental hygiene) worked as volunteers with a unique population of transitional homeless families to develop individualized health and wellness plans. Results showed positive predispositions to working with each other, which were further enhanced by collaborative, inter-professional experience. Students’ confidence in working together in multidisciplinary teams and understanding of the training and expertise of other professions increased after participation, and changes were statistically significant. Inter-professional education and community service-based learning proved to be a powerful vehicle for demonstrating the value of clinical teamwork to health profession students.
Karen Mendys, Meg Zomorodi, Tom Bush, Kate Ciarrocca, Jennie Brame, Gina Moreland University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Nursing and School of Dentistry
Description The purpose of our project was to conduct a needs assessment to create a sustainable model for interprofessional education and collaboration in the School of Dentistry. A team of interprofessional faculty, along with a graduate nursing student, completed a systematic needs assessment using the Dartmouth-Hitchcock model to develop a plan for implementation. In this model, the 5Ps are assessed (purpose, people, professionals, patterns, and processes). A stakeholder analysis was conducted, and stakeholders were interviewed to identify opportunities and barriers to implementation.
C. Kim Stokes, Leigh Cellucci, Christine Lysaght, Kate Willson, Audrey Eaves, Anne McConnell, Jason Mose, Heather Panczykowski, Paul Toriello, Allyson Turnage East Carolina University
Description Poster describing an innovative interprofessional orientation event for undergraduate and graduate students in a College of Allied Health Sciences on the campus of a large academic teaching center.